Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Happy Birthday MOM!!!!!
I cant believe how well she is has been 2 months since the transplant, and she is doing great. Her spirits are up, she is gaining strength, and best of all she is 100% oxygen free. What a miracle. I know this time last year was a completely different story, we hadnt fully gotten out of her what exactly was going on with her body, but we all could see the change in her. Still crazy to me, and mom i apologize for calling you out that day!!
The weather in SLC is crazy hot...i know its up around 100 + degrees...ugh..tooo warm for me. Mom and dad had to purchase a new fifth wheel due to the "green" issue. The fermaldehyde they use is a big issue when the trailer heats up due to temperature. Even though they run the AC and try their hardest to keep it cooled down, it doesnt work. They walk into it and it smell so bad they have to air it out for a while before entering...and moms dr. doesn't like that idea. (understandably so). SO...they took a significant loss on their other one and purchased a non-green fifth wheel.
The fundraiser is still going on until the 15th, so lets all try and round up orders and help us out. The 15# box of bakers are $15.00 and the 10# bag of bakers are $10.00. (Bakers=not tiny store bought potatoes). The proceedes of this fundraiser goes toward their living expenses and medical bills and now the monetary loss of the fifth wheel. I appreciate everything everyone has done.
BIG Thanks to Richard and Joyce Warner for their donation.....Thank you
Another thank you to JHGC and especially Lori Girton for the donation bucket.. We really appreciate it.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Well medically she is doing wonderfully!!! Her performance is at 70%, volume is 86%, and so far there is no declines. Her sats are all good too. She still struggles with the nerve that runs to her stomach, but its getting better. She also has "the shakes" a little from her meds, but that was to be expected.
Now for the UGH!! They found out that their Fifth Wheel (which they just bought last year) is made with "green" products. Which for most that is good, why not recycle. But for mom that is BAD!!! Doc said that they have to either get a new one or find somewhere else to live. Well most of you know rent in SLC is not cheap. So the only option is trading their fifth wheel in and get a new non-green one. Lets just hope they have paid it down enough to not be upside down in it.
AND for the other UGH! The RV Resort they are staying at raised their rate. They had a medical rate which was wonderful, but the good times are over. The owner said the rate was for short term, not long term sooo they doubled what they were paying.
They can pay this, I dont want it to seem like they are poor, but it just seems like for every good there is a bad. And while she did get one hell of a break, I was just hoping for it to go smooth for them while they were there.
Soooo, while mom isnt strong enough yet to go camper shopping, dad is out and about trying to find the perfect one for them, and when he feels he has done so, she will check it out too. She is getting stronger day by day...and cant wait until she can do all of the things she loves again.
I also wanted to mention the Potato Fundraiser: I know I have asked for donations before, but I figured that atleast this way you would get something for your money :).
We dont want to seem needy or anything, but as you all know, ANYTHING helps. And right now any way I can take the stress or burden off them....I WILL! I appreciate everything that everyone has done....truly from the bottom of my heart....THANK YOU!!!!!!
Now for the UGH!! They found out that their Fifth Wheel (which they just bought last year) is made with "green" products. Which for most that is good, why not recycle. But for mom that is BAD!!! Doc said that they have to either get a new one or find somewhere else to live. Well most of you know rent in SLC is not cheap. So the only option is trading their fifth wheel in and get a new non-green one. Lets just hope they have paid it down enough to not be upside down in it.
AND for the other UGH! The RV Resort they are staying at raised their rate. They had a medical rate which was wonderful, but the good times are over. The owner said the rate was for short term, not long term sooo they doubled what they were paying.
They can pay this, I dont want it to seem like they are poor, but it just seems like for every good there is a bad. And while she did get one hell of a break, I was just hoping for it to go smooth for them while they were there.
Soooo, while mom isnt strong enough yet to go camper shopping, dad is out and about trying to find the perfect one for them, and when he feels he has done so, she will check it out too. She is getting stronger day by day...and cant wait until she can do all of the things she loves again.
I also wanted to mention the Potato Fundraiser: I know I have asked for donations before, but I figured that atleast this way you would get something for your money :).
We dont want to seem needy or anything, but as you all know, ANYTHING helps. And right now any way I can take the stress or burden off them....I WILL! I appreciate everything that everyone has done....truly from the bottom of my heart....THANK YOU!!!!!!
this was mom at Joes Crab Shack
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Officially 1 Month Out (plus a few days)
Well i haven't updated blog for a week because I wasn't sure what exactly to say. A few people have asked how she looks, but i haven't seen her since she was getting out of the hospital. BUT- Braedon and I decided to rent one of the cabins and come down for a night to visit for Fathers Day. And let me tell you, she is doing AWESOME. She looks really good. She still is a little weak, but getting stronger.
Medically: Other than a nerve intestinal healing issue (basically when they opened her up, they had to move all the nerves and intestines over to get to the lungs, and it takes a while to get those working properly again), she is right on track (actually ahead of schedule). She does Physical Therapy 3 times a week, Clinic/Doctor visits once a week, Blood work/Meds once a week (unless meds need adjusted). She still has to do her temp, weight, blood pressure every morning and night, but that is it. WOW not too bad for what type of surgery she had. Another amazing thing is: She had to do her 1 month rejection biopsy: They put a tube down her nose and looked at both lungs with a scope type thing, then put the biopsy pincher thing on and took little nips of different areas of both lungs (I apologize for not knowing the correct terms).....and guess what..........NO REJECTION at all!!!!!!!! wooooohoooo
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that it is even possible to do that invasive of a surgery.
If it wasn't for the wonderful person that agreed to be a donor, I don't know how much longer my mom would be here. That is hard for me to fathom, and I can't express my gratitude for them and their family. I feel sorrow for them, but thankful at the same time. I hope the family received some peace knowing what their loved one did for sooo many people.
Dad went golfing today and Braedon, Mom and I are just hanging out and visiting. We are going to try and do a "take 2" on the Joe's Crab Shack idea. We told her "please no more episodes, or Braedon will cry because he really wants Crab". HAHA (If you don't know the story, we were at Joe's getting ready to order when "the call" came in).
I have to personally thank a couple more people:
Bob and JoAnne Eustice (Gail's aunt and uncle): Thank you for the wonderful donation. I received a couple cards from JoAnne and it was wonderful to hear from her. I remember her from when I was a little girl. Thank you SO much.
Sondra and Leonard Hinckley (Golf course friends): Thank you sooo much. My mom is overwhelmed with the thought that are are such wonderful people out there and can't begin to express her gratitude. Thanks for the donation.
And thanks to everyone for asking about her, it truly means alot. And PLEASE keep saying a prayer for her.
Medically: Other than a nerve intestinal healing issue (basically when they opened her up, they had to move all the nerves and intestines over to get to the lungs, and it takes a while to get those working properly again), she is right on track (actually ahead of schedule). She does Physical Therapy 3 times a week, Clinic/Doctor visits once a week, Blood work/Meds once a week (unless meds need adjusted). She still has to do her temp, weight, blood pressure every morning and night, but that is it. WOW not too bad for what type of surgery she had. Another amazing thing is: She had to do her 1 month rejection biopsy: They put a tube down her nose and looked at both lungs with a scope type thing, then put the biopsy pincher thing on and took little nips of different areas of both lungs (I apologize for not knowing the correct terms).....and guess what..........NO REJECTION at all!!!!!!!! wooooohoooo
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that it is even possible to do that invasive of a surgery.
If it wasn't for the wonderful person that agreed to be a donor, I don't know how much longer my mom would be here. That is hard for me to fathom, and I can't express my gratitude for them and their family. I feel sorrow for them, but thankful at the same time. I hope the family received some peace knowing what their loved one did for sooo many people.
Dad went golfing today and Braedon, Mom and I are just hanging out and visiting. We are going to try and do a "take 2" on the Joe's Crab Shack idea. We told her "please no more episodes, or Braedon will cry because he really wants Crab". HAHA (If you don't know the story, we were at Joe's getting ready to order when "the call" came in).
I have to personally thank a couple more people:
Bob and JoAnne Eustice (Gail's aunt and uncle): Thank you for the wonderful donation. I received a couple cards from JoAnne and it was wonderful to hear from her. I remember her from when I was a little girl. Thank you SO much.
Sondra and Leonard Hinckley (Golf course friends): Thank you sooo much. My mom is overwhelmed with the thought that are are such wonderful people out there and can't begin to express her gratitude. Thanks for the donation.
And thanks to everyone for asking about her, it truly means alot. And PLEASE keep saying a prayer for her.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
A BIG Thank You!!
Well its been a few days since I have updated this...I apologize for that, but I dont want to seem redundant. Mom goes a few times a week for therapy, blood work twice a week, and doctor once a week (down from twice a week..yay). When she goes in for the blood work they adjust her meds accordingly. They did adjust one of her rejection meds, which made her weak and shakey, but they will find the right "cocktail" in due time. As far as the doctor visits, she used to go twice a week, but since she is doing soo well she gets to go once a week. She is still leaps and bounds above where they thought she would be. We are soo very proud of her.
She still is on no oxygen, and infact they took the tanks out of the fifth wheel. She hated packing those things around, infact she would say the hose was her leash. No more leash mom!!
They have had a bit of company lately:
Thomas (oldest grandson) dropped in for a surprise visit this last weekend.
Alicia (oldest daughter from Washington) came with her family on Monday. This was the first time mom and dad had met her husband (Jeff), and they have nothing but wonderful things to say about him. They brought 3 little ones, and Alicia's second oldest boy Dillon. I wish the weather was a little warmer for them. They will be heading home on Friday.
Uncle Mike (Dads brother) and Aunt Jeanne came Wednesday for a few days. Its been a few years since they have seen them. I know they went out to dinner last night, I sure hope they had fun. Maybe Mike can sneak dad out and go golfing or something.
Derek (Son), Sheena, and kids are going to be there on Friday and staying until Monday. I hope the weather warms up some so they can enjoy the pool. Evan and Skylar really had fun swimming there a few weeks ago.
We are trying to stagger visits so that they dont get bombarded with all of us at the same time. It costs quite a bit to go down there and stay or we would be there more often.
I would like to thank everyone for following the blog and sending prayers our way.. I know the power of prayer works and I know in my heart that it worked again.
I also would like to thank a few people individually:
JHGC (with the help of Jeff/Lori Girton) - Thank you ALL for you loving donation. You have been great friends to our family for some time now and we love you all.
Richard Caummisar - Thank you sooo much for the donation. I dont know you personally, but mom does, and she thanks you immensely.
Carol Eustice - I know you are related to us, but just because of the last name. I would love to meet you. My family is very grateful for your donation as well.
Craig Leatham- I am soo grateful to know you. And I know mom and dad feel the same way. Thank you for your donation and support. So blessed to have friends like you.
Christy Smith - You are a wonderful person. I wish you all the happiness, and cant wait for you to get back to the states! Thank you soo much for your donation for aunt gail.
Thanks again for all the support!!
P.S. A few people have asked for their address to send cards, here it is:
Dan and Gail Brown
P.O. Box 16403
Salt Lake City, UT 84116-0403
She still is on no oxygen, and infact they took the tanks out of the fifth wheel. She hated packing those things around, infact she would say the hose was her leash. No more leash mom!!
They have had a bit of company lately:
Thomas (oldest grandson) dropped in for a surprise visit this last weekend.
Alicia (oldest daughter from Washington) came with her family on Monday. This was the first time mom and dad had met her husband (Jeff), and they have nothing but wonderful things to say about him. They brought 3 little ones, and Alicia's second oldest boy Dillon. I wish the weather was a little warmer for them. They will be heading home on Friday.
Uncle Mike (Dads brother) and Aunt Jeanne came Wednesday for a few days. Its been a few years since they have seen them. I know they went out to dinner last night, I sure hope they had fun. Maybe Mike can sneak dad out and go golfing or something.
Derek (Son), Sheena, and kids are going to be there on Friday and staying until Monday. I hope the weather warms up some so they can enjoy the pool. Evan and Skylar really had fun swimming there a few weeks ago.
We are trying to stagger visits so that they dont get bombarded with all of us at the same time. It costs quite a bit to go down there and stay or we would be there more often.
I would like to thank everyone for following the blog and sending prayers our way.. I know the power of prayer works and I know in my heart that it worked again.
I also would like to thank a few people individually:
JHGC (with the help of Jeff/Lori Girton) - Thank you ALL for you loving donation. You have been great friends to our family for some time now and we love you all.
Richard Caummisar - Thank you sooo much for the donation. I dont know you personally, but mom does, and she thanks you immensely.
Carol Eustice - I know you are related to us, but just because of the last name. I would love to meet you. My family is very grateful for your donation as well.
Craig Leatham- I am soo grateful to know you. And I know mom and dad feel the same way. Thank you for your donation and support. So blessed to have friends like you.
Christy Smith - You are a wonderful person. I wish you all the happiness, and cant wait for you to get back to the states! Thank you soo much for your donation for aunt gail.
Thanks again for all the support!!
P.S. A few people have asked for their address to send cards, here it is:
Dan and Gail Brown
P.O. Box 16403
Salt Lake City, UT 84116-0403
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Home away from home
Well mom was discharged on Saturday (1 day short of 2 weeks). They brought in the suitcase (lol) of pills she is going to have to take, holy moly its alot. Dad has to do her blood pressure, weight and temperature a few times daily. The Transplant Pharmicist gave him all the info he needs to give her the meds, and what exactly they are and will do. Let me tell you this, they have a lonnnnng road ahead of them. Her potassium was a little high and her sodium was low, so they were working on that. She slept super good in her own bed though. Sunday, Melissa and Juan drove down for the day and hung out..I know mom really wanted her hair washed, so I bet that was nice. On Monday, after not feeling very well, they decided to take her back up to the hospital, where they did the necessary tests and sent her back home. On Tuesday she went to her scheduled clinical work and they discovered that she was 3 liters low on fluid. So after they did the IV she felt alot better. She went for PT on Wednesday, and that was a little hard for her due to the lack of muscle mass. BUT she is still off oxygen and her sats are staying in the mid 90's....super awesome. But everyday she is getting stronger and stronger. She is eating better, in fact Dad told me last night that she had steak.. LUCKY MOM
Alicia (and family) will be coming from Washington on Monday (I believe) and staying for a few days, that will be wonderful. Mom and Dad havent seen her for a few years and have never met her husband and a few of the kids. Uncle Mike and Aunt Jeanne are coming on Friday the 8th and staying a couple days. And Derek, Sheena, and kids will be going back down the 8th - 11th for a visit too. So it will be nice to have help for dad. Not that he needs help, but some additional people to visit with. (I hope I worded that right). Thanks again for all the support you all have given.
Prayers were definately answered.
P.S. I dont like begging, so please dont take it that way, but the Paypal Donate button is still up for any donations to help with living and medical expenses. .
Alicia (and family) will be coming from Washington on Monday (I believe) and staying for a few days, that will be wonderful. Mom and Dad havent seen her for a few years and have never met her husband and a few of the kids. Uncle Mike and Aunt Jeanne are coming on Friday the 8th and staying a couple days. And Derek, Sheena, and kids will be going back down the 8th - 11th for a visit too. So it will be nice to have help for dad. Not that he needs help, but some additional people to visit with. (I hope I worded that right). Thanks again for all the support you all have given.
Prayers were definately answered.
P.S. I dont like begging, so please dont take it that way, but the Paypal Donate button is still up for any donations to help with living and medical expenses. .
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Came to see mom
Well hello everyone. I came down to see mom last night and she looks amazing. I havent seen her since right after. She was up and walking (not alot mind you), was soo nice to see! She goes to workout and doesnt need O2, her stats stay at 94-96! Right now they are trying to figure out the right med combo...her sugars are a little high and her potassium is up. So they are working on that. They say she might get discharged today (crossing my fingers). She is tired of bein there! I willl keep you updated on that status!!!!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Update :)
I decided to wait a couple days in between I am sorry if you were expecting one yesterday. They did a bronc scope today to check for infection and they said it looked great. She is still off O2 most of the time (unless like this morning when she was mildly sedated). She sounded great on the phone tonight, good spirits, and silly! She is trying to eat high protein foods to build up some energy. Her one big complaint is her head is itchy..she cant shower until they take the monitors off (maybe tomorrow) and she said those "stupid shower caps dont cut it". I asked when she thought she would leave the hospital and she said that they had said "maybe a couple days". WOW. Dad said that they were going to take her tubes out today (forgot to ask about that). I also asked her if it felt different to breath, her response "its hard to explain, its like learning to take normal breaths again, and breath the correct way instead of short fast breaths" but in the end she said yes. I find modern medicine truly poor mom didnt think she would make it to christmas, and now she has a whole new look on life. What a blessing for all of us, especially her and dad.
Dad...he is having a hard time adjusting to this new life..he isnt sleeping so well. (Understandably so). I hope he finds some peace when she gets out, and is able to relax a little more. And not have to run up to the hospital and back and so on. But I do know that he would not change this for the world...
Ok well I guess thats it for today...I will keep you posted...
P.S. I just wanted to remind everyone of the donate button on the right side of the blog, if you can, we appreciate it. If you cant, we understand... Thanks
Dad...he is having a hard time adjusting to this new life..he isnt sleeping so well. (Understandably so). I hope he finds some peace when she gets out, and is able to relax a little more. And not have to run up to the hospital and back and so on. But I do know that he would not change this for the world...
Ok well I guess thats it for today...I will keep you posted...
P.S. I just wanted to remind everyone of the donate button on the right side of the blog, if you can, we appreciate it. If you cant, we understand... Thanks
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Day 7
Well she kind of had a rough night...was in some pain but they gave her morphine and that helped. Her white blood cell count was up today so they did some tests and gave her a general antibiotic to fight it until the tests come back with a pin pointed reason (should be a couple days). On the bright side she has been off oxygen all day and she walked 100 feet with no oxygen and her stats were 98%. Woohoo! When I talked to her earlier she was in good spirits and she is resting good tonight! They say she is doing better than they ever could have guessed!!! Love you mom!!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Day 6
Well she continues to impress us!! She is now able to eat solid foods, im sure she was starving. They had her oxygen completely off for a while today, but when she sleeps and takes her pain meds her oxygen stats drop down...but thats ok..another step in the right direction! I think they have her pain meds under control now..such a relief! She has been moved to the 4th floor, room 4109. She also has her cell phone now, if you want to give her a call. I know that several of you were asking to send you can. She is at the University of Utah hospital Room 4109. Thanks again!!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Day 5
Well she had an "ok" day. I talked to her for a minute this morning and she said "I feel like crap". Made me sad. They were messing with her pain meds a little and I dont think that helped. We expect ups and downs, if this is a down then well take it. They took another tube out today, so that is good. And they took the oxygen off for a few and she did great. She is on 1 Liter of oxygen most of the time. She went for a couple walks today, and the second one was fantastic, they turned the oxygen down to .75 and her stats were 100%...Wooohooo. Dad said she is still pretty tired but they dont want to send her up to a normal room until all the tubes are out. (Nurses said its because the nurses on the 5th floor arent near as cool as stepdown ICU nurses). I think all in all she is doing wonderful.
I have put a donate button on the right side of this page (the money goes into a paypal account I have set up just for her), if you feel like helping, that is most appreciated!! I know times are tough and some of you may not be able too, and thats ok. I just know how much gas and money it takes down there, and I was hoping to we could help them out a little. Anything helps!!
Thanks again...See ya tomorrow!!
I have put a donate button on the right side of this page (the money goes into a paypal account I have set up just for her), if you feel like helping, that is most appreciated!! I know times are tough and some of you may not be able too, and thats ok. I just know how much gas and money it takes down there, and I was hoping to we could help them out a little. Anything helps!!
Thanks again...See ya tomorrow!!
So glad to get dad smiling. (i was making faces at him) :)
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Day 4
I dont think I can express how proud we are of mom...she is still doing fantastic. She walked again today and even went a little further. Her oxygen is set to 2 liters which it was at about 8.. pre-surgery. The plan is to not need oxygen at all. The put a new IV in her arm today so that they could take the one out of her neck. She is so glad to have the tube out of her mouth so that she can talk, she is not near as raspy now. They moved her to a intermediate room, but still in ICU. This is great because now she's sleeping like a log, getting much needed rest. That is the only thing that she complained about, all the noise of everybody in the ICU. The hope know is that she will be in a regular room tomorrow.... keep your fingers crossed!!!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Day 3
She is still doing incredible. She got the ventilator out today..yay..boy did she talk and talk , and is doing wonderful breathing on her own. If she does well should be out of ICU tomorrow. They had her walk today and she walked 100 feet. Wow! I am truly impressed at the strength and courage she has. She is being her silly self!!! Dad is tired..but is a trooper. We are making him get some rest tonight! Thats all for today but I will update you all tomorrow!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Day 2
She is doing wonderful..she sat in a chair for a bit today and writes and writes and writes. She still has ventilator in so she gets frustrated cause she has so much to say. The hope us that she gets the tube out tomorrow. Nurse said that she is initiating the breaths..which is great and the machine is just assisting! They will keep decreasing the amount the machine assists her!
I cant tell you how proud we are of her. She is soooo strong! We love you momma!!! <3
I cant tell you how proud we are of her. She is soooo strong! We love you momma!!! <3
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Day one with new lungs
Just went back up to see mom after a much needed nap and she looks fantastic. She woke up and wanted so badly to say something and attempted sign language we came to the conclusion she wanted dad back in the room. So he came back in and got her to relax a little. Its so hard because she wants you to stay with her..but she gets aggitated because she wants to visit. So after several hand kisses and forehead kisses we left so she could just relax! Doctor says her new lungs are beautiful, and that she is doing remarkably well! We knew she was a tough lady but wow!!
Love you mom and happy happy happy mothers day!
Love you mom and happy happy happy mothers day!
Just got the last call...They started the surgery at 2:30 a.m., then called us at about 4:45 and said her old lungs were out and they were getting ready to start the new. They just called at 6:30 and said they were closing her and she was off life support. The lungs were working on their great! She will still have the breathing tube, but that's ok. They will take her into ICU at 9, and im not sure how long. Will update again soon!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
At the hospital!!
Well I came to SLC to see mom and dad for mothers day..and we went to go to dinner at Joes crab shack..and no kidding as soon as we ordered drinks...SHE GOT THE CALL. So off we went, got here in no time. Super nervous, super anxious, super... well everything! Derek, Melissa and families are on their way. And dad...well he's pacing, but hanging in there! They say the surgery will take 8-10 hours..but I will definitely keep you all posted as this unfolds. Say a quick prayer for her! Love ya all!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Mothers Day Weekend
Hey all,
Brandon, the boys, and I are getting excited for our long weekend...We decided to take Friday and Monday off and stay with mom and dad in SLC for Mothers Day. And Melissa and Juan are coming Sunday and leaving Monday (darn work anyways). Derek, Sheena and the kids are going the week after (i believe). We are attempting to go monthly, hopefully it works out that way.
I would like to thank the Golf Course for their donations. I am taking that with me this weekend to give to them. (It was a secret but...oops i might have mentioned it :-x )
Heres a little quote that i believe whole heartedly:
Again thank you all for your kind words and support... Be sure to click the follow link for up-to-date posts.
Brandon, the boys, and I are getting excited for our long weekend...We decided to take Friday and Monday off and stay with mom and dad in SLC for Mothers Day. And Melissa and Juan are coming Sunday and leaving Monday (darn work anyways). Derek, Sheena and the kids are going the week after (i believe). We are attempting to go monthly, hopefully it works out that way.
I would like to thank the Golf Course for their donations. I am taking that with me this weekend to give to them. (It was a secret but...oops i might have mentioned it :-x )
Heres a little quote that i believe whole heartedly:
Friday, May 4, 2012
Week One in SLC
Hello friends and family.
First let me say that I know now why we live in Idaho!!! These people are crazy. lol
I’m not exactly sure
how the stars got lined up the way they did, but when we bought the 5th
wheel last summer, the time seemed right to start setting the stage for
retirement. We really kind of expected
to go a little further south than SLC, at least for the winter, though. Little did we know…..!!! Also last summer, we sold 5 acres of ground
and paid off all of the credit cards.
Again, little did we know…..!!!
What I can definitely say now is that had these things not occurred, I’m
not sure we’d be here now, able to retire earlier than planned, and have a
place to live without trying to rent an apartment on a fixed income. So…in spite of my illness, we are blessed as
Anyway, we’ve been in SLC for nearly a week. Between running back and forth from the
hospital to getting our 5th wheel live-in ready (vs. camping ready),
to arranging for new oxygen deliveries and swapping out equipment, it’s been
kind of a busy week. We’ve started
Support Group classes and I’ve had my orientation with my pulmonary
therapist. I’ll be going to exercise
three times a week at the hospital which should be interesting since I can’t
walk to the bathroom very easy. I do
what I can though in order to be as strong as I can be for the transplant
surgery. I just pray that the “call”
comes sooner rather than later.
Dan and
I both are trying to get into some kind of a routine and get our “stuff” where
it needs to be in this temporary home. It’s
harder than one would think, but I expect it will all work out, until then, we
both feel a little unsettled. There is a golf course just up the road that Dan has tried out a couple of times. I'm glad, he needs to get away and relax once in a while.
Well, that’s about it for now. Hugs and kisses to you all!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Well they are down in Salt their new "home". She had an appointment today at 11:00 with the Transplant people. As of 3:40 today she is officially on the transplant list. She received an "Allocation score "of 56.37 (allocation score determines who goes first if there should be 2 with the same blood type, the average score is in the 30's, so hers is high) meaning she would receive her lungs first. She will have to do Pulmonary Therapy while she waits for her new "air bags" which will be a great way to use up some time waiting. She also had the oxygen company come and set up her tanks and arrangements for filling them.
Dad set up "home" at the Pony Express campground and im sure he did a wonderful job. :)
Thanks for the support, and we will keep you all posted.
Dad set up "home" at the Pony Express campground and im sure he did a wonderful job. :)
Thanks for the support, and we will keep you all posted.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Well it is OFFICIAL...she got the pre-approval from the insurance, so they will be leaving Sunday to Salt Lake, and she will be on the donor list Monday. Such great news!!
I sorta have mixed emotions about it...on one hand I am so happy for her and hopeful that she will receive new lungs soon so that she can start feeling better. On the other hand I am so sad to see them leave and scared for her. Im not used to not having my parents around and it is going to be difficult.
I cant even imagine what she (they) must be feeling.
They do have Skype set up on their laptops, so if anyone wants to chat with them i can give you their Skype ID's.
I sorta have mixed emotions about it...on one hand I am so happy for her and hopeful that she will receive new lungs soon so that she can start feeling better. On the other hand I am so sad to see them leave and scared for her. Im not used to not having my parents around and it is going to be difficult.
I cant even imagine what she (they) must be feeling.
They do have Skype set up on their laptops, so if anyone wants to chat with them i can give you their Skype ID's.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Stay positive
Dad and mom came up to where Braedon and I were camping this weekend. Even though they only stayed a couple hours...i was glad to see them out and about..fresh air and sunshine makes everyone happy. Mom looked good, was in good spirits. Its taking longer than expected to get the approval from the insurance. (darn people didnt do their job). I will keep you all updated as it unfolds. Be sure to follow us for recent updates. Thanks again for your support
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Great News
The transplant board met today and decided in her favor...Yay...she is approved. So now she has to wait a few days to make sure her insurance approves the transplant. However this should be approved as well, they just want to make sure there is no hiccups that we all weren't planning on. If all goes well (which it will) then they will move to Salt Lake. They have found a really nice little RV Park to stay at. They qualified for the medical rate, which will be nice. It sounds really nice, it has a "club house" type place that has a pool table and stuff. I think they even said it has a pool? Brandon and I are planning on going to stay the weekend there in the near future. I am sooo proud of my moms courage and faith. She is one tough lady. And my dad, bless his heart, he has not left her side for more than to run get groceries. :) I know alot of you didnt realize the severity of whats going on with we decided to fill you all in. I have placed some tabs at the top of the blog to more explain her condition....I hope this helps (i know it did me). Keep her in your thoughts and prayers. And just drop her a note and let her know you care.
Today is the day
The transplant board in SLC meets today to decide if she is a viable candidate for the double lung transplant. If so, off to Salt Lake they go. If not, well there is no if not ;). I will keep you updated.
From Gail:
In the summer of 2009, I was
diagnosed with COPD and a mild case of fibrosis (scarring) as a result of a bad
case of pneumonia that I had a few years earlier. I stayed pretty stable
until the winter of 2010/11 when my breathing became more labored than
usual. After finally convincing the pulmonologist that there was
something else wrong, it was discovered in August 2011 that as a result of the
damaged lung tissue, I had also developed pulmonary hypertension.
However, also because of the damaged lung tissue, efforts to treat the
hypertension did not work and in the meantime, the fibrosis disease continued
to progress. By the time I saw the lung disease specialist in SLC in
January 2012, , it was determined that I was in end stages of the disease and
the only course of action was a double lung transplant.
Hi everyone-
This is the first of many posts. I know alot of you know little bits of information on what really is going on with my mom. Well lets just say...she is a TROOPER. She is working on getting me a little bio of just exactly what, where, and when. I hope you all take time out of your lifes to stop and say a little prayer for my mom. Thank you
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