Monday, April 30, 2012


Well they are down in Salt their new "home".  She had an appointment today at 11:00 with the Transplant people.  As of 3:40 today she is officially on the transplant list. She received an "Allocation score "of 56.37 (allocation score determines who goes first if there should be 2 with the same blood type, the average score is in the 30's, so hers is high) meaning she would receive her lungs first.  She will have to do Pulmonary Therapy while she waits for her new "air bags" which will be a great way to use up some time waiting.  She also had the oxygen company come and set up her tanks and arrangements for filling them. 

Dad set up "home" at the Pony Express campground and im sure he did a wonderful job. :)

Thanks for the support, and we will keep you all posted.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Well it is OFFICIAL...she got the pre-approval from the insurance, so they will be leaving Sunday to Salt Lake, and she will be on the donor list Monday.  Such great news!!
I sorta have mixed emotions about it...on one hand I am so happy for her and hopeful that she will receive new lungs soon so that she can start feeling better.  On the other hand I am so sad to see them leave and scared for her.  Im not used to not having my parents around and it is going to be difficult.
I cant even imagine what she (they) must be feeling.  
They do have Skype set up on their laptops, so if anyone wants to chat with them i can give you their Skype ID's. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Stay positive

Dad and mom came up to where Braedon and I were camping this weekend.  Even though they only stayed a couple hours...i was glad to see them out and about..fresh air and sunshine makes everyone happy.  Mom looked good, was in good spirits.  Its taking longer than expected to get the approval from the insurance.  (darn people didnt do their job).   I will keep you all updated as it unfolds.  Be sure to follow us for recent updates.   Thanks again for your support

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


They say:
 “All good things come to he who waits”  



Keep your head up momma!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Great News

The transplant board met today and decided in her favor...Yay...she is approved.  So now she has to wait a few days to make sure her insurance approves the transplant.  However this should be approved as well, they just want to make sure there is no hiccups that we all weren't planning on.  If all goes well (which it will) then they will move to Salt Lake.  They have found a really nice little RV Park to stay at.  They qualified for the medical rate, which will be nice.   It sounds really nice, it has a "club house" type place that has a pool table and stuff.  I think they even said it has a pool?   Brandon and I are planning on going to stay the weekend there in the near future.   I am sooo proud of my moms courage and faith.  She is one tough lady.  And my dad, bless his heart, he has not left her side for more than to run get groceries. :)   I know alot of you didnt realize the severity of whats going on with we decided to fill you all in.  I have placed some tabs at the top of the blog to more explain her condition....I hope this helps (i know it did me).   Keep her in your thoughts and prayers.  And just drop her a note and let her know you care.

Today is the day

The transplant board in SLC meets today to decide if she is a viable candidate for the double lung transplant.  If so,  off to Salt Lake they go.  If not, well there is no if not ;).   I will keep you updated.

From Gail:

In the summer of 2009, I was diagnosed with COPD and a mild case of fibrosis (scarring) as a result of a bad case of pneumonia that I had a few years earlier.  I stayed pretty stable until the winter of 2010/11 when my breathing became more labored than usual.  After finally convincing the pulmonologist that there was something else wrong, it was discovered in August 2011 that as a result of the damaged lung tissue, I had also developed pulmonary hypertension.  However, also because of the damaged lung tissue, efforts to treat the hypertension did not work and in the meantime, the fibrosis disease continued to progress.  By the time I saw the lung disease specialist in SLC in January 2012, , it was determined that I was in end stages of the disease and the only course of action was a double lung transplant.

Hi everyone-

This is the first of many posts.  I know alot of you know little bits of information on what really is going on with my mom.  Well lets just say...she is a TROOPER.   She is working on getting me a little bio of just exactly what, where, and when.  I hope you all take time out of your lifes to stop and say a little prayer for my mom.   Thank you