Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Well medically she is doing wonderfully!!!  Her performance is at 70%, volume is 86%, and so far there is no declines.   Her sats are all good too.   She still struggles with the nerve that runs to her stomach, but its getting better.   She also has "the shakes" a little from her meds, but that was to be expected.  

Now for the UGH!!  They found out that their Fifth Wheel (which they just bought last year) is made with "green" products.  Which for most that is good, why not recycle.  But for mom that is BAD!!!  Doc said that they have to either get a new one or find somewhere else to live.   Well most of you know rent in SLC is not cheap.  So the only option is trading their fifth wheel in and get a new non-green one.  Lets just hope they have paid it down enough to not be upside down in it.  
AND for the other UGH!  The RV Resort they are staying at raised their rate.   They had a medical rate which was wonderful, but the good times are over.  The owner said the rate was for short term, not long term sooo they doubled what they were paying.  
They can pay this, I dont want it to seem like they are poor, but it just seems like for every good there is a bad.   And while she did get one hell of a break, I was just hoping for it to go smooth for them while they were there. 
Soooo, while mom isnt strong enough yet to go camper shopping, dad is out and about trying to find the perfect one for them, and when he feels he has done so, she will check it out too.   She is getting stronger day by day...and cant wait until she can do all of the things she loves again.

I also wanted to mention the Potato Fundraiser:  I know I have asked for donations before, but I figured that atleast this way you would get something for your money :).  
We dont want to seem needy or anything,  but as you all know, ANYTHING helps.  And right now any way I can take the stress or burden off them....I WILL!    I appreciate everything that everyone has done....truly from the bottom of my heart....THANK YOU!!!!!!
this was mom at Joes Crab Shack

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